True Humility

“Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 5:3
By: Maia & Jannette
San Diego, California, 10/24/2022 – As always, we give thanks to the Lord Almighty for His Grace and His Mercy! To Him be the Glory, Honor, and Power Forever and ever!
What a blessed and heart-filled evening shared this past Monday. We were privileged once again to have Mrs. Nite Robert join in virtually from Hilo, HI to lead an evening of Bible Study. We were blessed to have participants stream in from California, Oregon, Washington, Nevada, Texas and Hawaii. Virtual platforms, such as Zoom, continue to increase the reach of the ministry, enabling us to come together and fellowship with brothers and sisters near and far. In this instance, women of God came together seeking the Lord through His word.
The meeting opened up with individual greetings and introductions. Once all were acquainted, hymns of worship were offered up to the Lord.
Shortly after, Ms. Julie Petrus, shared Colossians 3:16, “Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom through psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts.”
With this scripture in mind and prayers concluded, the women gave their full attention to Mrs. Nite Robert.
The lesson began with a review of the previous bible study session regarding true humility shown by Christ as He washed the feet of His disciples. What is true humility? It is to serve with an attitude of gentleness, but not intended to humiliate you. 1) True humility does not need announcement 2) True humility is not a sign of weakness 3) True humility does not discriminate 4) True humility is inclusive and does not skip anyone.
The world will see and know that we are different because we learn from Jesus. “If we so love, we will do.”
The first point was given for the evening’s session: “HUMILITY BEFORE GOD.” In other words, how do you see your spiritual state before God?
The text was found in Matthew 5:3, “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”
But, what does it mean to be “poor in spirit?” This can be described as having nothing, being helpless, or even hopeless in spirit. In Isaiah 6: 1-5, we see from Isaiah’s dream an example of one who recognizes that he is poor in spirit when Isaiah cried, “Woe is me, for I am unclean.” Isaiah saw God high and lifted up, seated on the throne, and His robe filled the temple. At this glorious sight, he realized just how unclean he was in the presence of God. A realization that he was spiritually poor and in need of God. In need of God’s forgiveness.
We tend to always think of God as a loving God only, but remember that He is also a just God. A God without sin and we are sinners that need saving.
Another example given was that of Job. Job was a man whom the Lord praised. However, after Job lost literally everything, his own friends believed he had sinned and the circumstances he faced were a result of that sin. Job complained to God and God responded, “where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth?” Job realized that he was not worthy, yet was complaining against the Lord. He realized his self-righteousness and his poor spirit, and was immediately humbled.
In 1Peter 5:5 it is written as such, “Likewise, you younger people, submit to your elders, Yes, all of you be submissive to one another, and be clothed in humility. God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.”
The second point given was: “HUMILITY IN SERVING OTHERS.” How do you see yourself among brethren? In Romans 12:1, we learned that we must not conform to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of our minds. We should offer up our lives as a living sacrifice. We should serve each other using the gifts God gave us. God gives us different gifts not to brag about, but to serve Him and to serve each other.
With this in mind, we looked to John chapter 1 where we read of John the Baptist who had a poor spirit in light of Christ. He said he was not even worthy to loosen the straps of Christs’ sandals. When he was asked who he was by priests, he responded, “I am not the Christ… I am the voice of the one crying out in the wilderness, ‘prepare ye the way of the Lord.’”
Through John’s example, we learn that we should not put ourselves too high, but should not belittle ourselves through false humility either. Be truthful in what you say. We must not think of ourselves as more than we ought to, but serve one another using our God-given gifts.
The evening ended with a quote, “Those who know God, will be humble. Those that know themselves, cannot be proud.”
Before God, be humble. Before others, serve.
Special thanks to Mrs. Nite Robert. May God continue to use you in the Kingdom building work. Thank you for blessing us!
To God be all the Glory! Stay Blessed.