the family
We are so happy that you have found us on the web. And we would love to share with you a little bit of who we are and our purpose of existence.

We are known as the MOMUSA Family of Southern California with our home base in San Diego. The acronym “MOMUSA” stands for Micronesian Outreach Ministries USA. The make up of our church family is mostly Pacific Islanders with a smaller percentage of Caucasians, Latinos and Asians. We are a welcoming family for all walks of life and our services are conducted in the English language.
We are a Bible-based church comprising of believers commissioned and compelled to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ to Micronesians living in the United States. We believe and accept the knowledge that our way back to God relies solely on a genuine relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ (John 14:6; John 1:12; 1 John 2:2; Hebrews 11:6; Romans 5:1) , by God’s loving grace, and not by man’s work (Ephesians 2:8-9).
Our passion is to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ and reach the lost in a God-honoring way so that they too may know Him and commit their lives to Him as their personal Lord and Savior. We are humbled and privileged to be a part of God’s kingdom work here in the United Stated.
We thank the Lord for the amazing work He has done among our island people. The influx and growth of Micronesian communities across the Nation compels us to reach out to our people more than ever before.
As a ministry, there is so much we’d love to do and accomplish. However, it is imperative we do things within the will of our Father and sphere in which He called and entrusted to us (2 Corinthians 10:13).
If you feel His leading to invest in this life-saving and God honoring ministry, you may call us at (619)536-9236, or by email to
MOMUSA is part of the Southern Baptist Family through membership with the San Diego Southern Baptist Association (SDSBA) and the California Southern Baptist Convention (CSBC).
Our primary mission is to reaching Micronesians across the United States and to leading them into a growing relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ. And to help discipling local spiritual leaders for the establishment and strengthening of Christian fellowships in each respective community.
To reaching Micronesians residing in the United States; To leading them into a growing relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ; And to help establishing Christ-centered island communities.