San Diego, California, August 08, 15, 2022 – This past Monday, MOMUSA Women’s Ministry gathered together virtually to facilitate the first session of its monthly women’s bible study organized by Julie Petrus and First Lady Yori Suka.
Sharing the Word, Nite Robert brought new perspective through a well known story in the Bible: The Good Samaritan. This parable was shared by Jesus Himself.
As we look into the different roles represented, we saw an expert of the law (well versed in the 10 commandments/Laws of Moses) take an opportunity to show off his knowledge. He positioned a question to Jesus that would test His knowledge. His question was, “Teacher, what must I do to gain eternal life?” (Luke 10: 25 – 29)
Many of us can relate as this message was intended for those who are following Christ, we know better; but do we live it?
Yet, Jesus did not disregard the question. He acknowledged that this man was well educated in the law and asked him what was written in the law? Jesus knows our hearts, and so the man replied, “Love the Lord God with all your heart, with all your strength, and with all your mind; and love your neighbor as you love yourself.”
Jesus, charged the expert in law to go and do likewise. It could have ended there, however, this expert seeking justification asked who is my neighbor, (paraphrasing).
Going further Jesus showed the examples of how love and compassion will move one to act. It is not enough to see the need, we must act upon it. We act on the love placed in us.
Jesus used the priest and Levite who knew God and lived their lives memorizing God’s Word. The same knowledgeable individuals who saw this injured man in need, passed him by. We can see the text used these two figures in the parable as an example. We may know better, but we don’t always do better.
The priest may have thought this injured man was unclean; the Levite might have thought this is not my responsibility. Out of all the laws remembered, the positions they held as a priest and a descendant of Aaron, they should’ve jumped at the opportunity to put into practice the very laws that were known. We can assume many excuses may have gotten in the way, however, what is clear is how they not only wanted to avoid helping, but blatantly ignored the need at hand. How they viewed the situation caused them to ignore it completely. So even though we know, do we actually act on it? (Luke 10: 30 – 37).
What we do depends on what we see, and what we see is determined by who we are.
The Samaritan, who was hated and rejected, acted upon the compassion inside. God is not revealed through our statuses and titles held in the flesh, rather, His likeness is known and seen through the response of our actions.
We have the ability to love, only because He first loved us. In order to love, we must know God. Just knowing is not enough. We were made to share this love, out loud. We were entrusted to be light; like a city on hill… this love inside cannot be hidden.
As the quote goes – “It is possible to give without loving, but it is impossible to love without giving.”
Micah 6:8 says, “He has shown you, o man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly.”
God did not ignore our time of need, He showed us His love for us when He allowed Jesus to be persecuted, mocked, beaten beyond recognition, and used. He showed us His love when the very people He intended to deliver from this fallen world killed His Son on the cross. Betrayed by His own beloved, Jesus was murdered in order to bare the weight of sin for a world who enthralled in self pleasures. He stood in our place and the cost for our salvation? His life.
As Jesus shed His blood on the cross for all, so should we shed the same mercy on our neighbors. What the Good Samaritan parable taught us can be seen by the display of mercy to one’s neighbor. Neighbor can be anyone, even a stranger you may not know or an enemy. In the time of need, we show mercy, as mercy was first shown to us on the cross. We love, because God loved us first.
Without God, looking down and having compassion and love for us; we would have been doomed to condemnation out of our own sin.
Luke 10: 37 – 39
“Which of these do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell to the hands of robbers?”
The expert in law replied, “The one who showed mercy.”
Jesus told him, “Go and do likewise.”
With that in mind – Let us go and do likewise, as we were reminded Monday evening: we cannot simply be hearers of the Word, but doers.
It is not enough to see the need, we must act.
What we do is determined by what we see.
What we see is determined by what we are.
So the question is, what are we? What is inside of us and how will that affect what we do when we see the need?
Wonderful reminders and a good way to remember to check your heart.
Special thanks to Sister Nite Robert for sharing the lessons learned, May God continue to work in and through you. Thank you to Julie Petrus, First Lady Yori Suka, and Sister Isobel Kinsang for coordinating this event making it possible.
All glory to God who opened the eyes and ears of hearts to receive His message!