October 14-16, 2022, Phoenix, Arizona

PHOENIX, ARIZONA – October 14-16, 2022 – First and foremost, thank God for His Grace and traveling mercies this past weekend.  

MOMUSA Families along with Sister Ministries ICC – Oregon, and, CCCA – Arizona, met in Phoenix, Arizona to join in celebration and fellowship at ICF’s Annual Youth Rally/Church Anniversary Event. Together, the groups offered up Praises and Worship to God for another year added in service; We were blessed to be able to come alongside and witness what God has continued to do within the church and look forward to what more God has in store.

Saturday,10/15/2022, the event kicked off with a brunch provided by the hosting family. Participants, young and old, sat together and enjoyed fellowship, and songs of worship that were sung with rich harmonies after the meal. 

Following the brunch, the groups gathered in the Sanctuary to hear from Suva Roby as he shared a message about the Unconditional, Conditional Love of God as seen in John 3:16. The beginning part of this verse shows God’s unconditional love for mankind: “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son…” We then see the condition that was set with the next line of the verse, “…that whosoever believes in Him…” There was a condition set for us. “God loves us not because of our righteousness; God loves us not because of our perfection; God loves us not because of who we are, but because of who He is.” Suva pointed to a deeper meaning of God’s unconditional love: Eternal Life with Him.

Following a short intermission, all groups gathered once again for evening worship. MOMUSA Worship Team came alongside the hosting ministry in opening the service with worship followed by Special Numbers that were shared by ICF (AZ), ICC (OR), CCCA (AZ), and MOMUSA. CCCA Youth Member Jacob Sarmiento and MOMUSA’s Worship Team/Youth Member Jeremiah Phillik shared personal testimonies. They encouraged the Youth to seek clarification through scripture, be obedient, and pursue a personal relationship with God. “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.”

In conclusion of Saturday’s Worship Service, Senior Pastor Charles Hartman closed the service sharing from Matthew 19:16-24 which told the story of the rich man who asked Jesus what good deeds must he do to attain eternal life. Jesus responded by stating the commandments which the rich man was confident he upheld since childhood. Jesus then asked him to go sell all his possessions and give the money to the poor. Although he was in the presence of the Lord, the rich man would not give in and went away sad. Senior Pastor Charles left the congregation with a questions to ponder on – when face-to-face with the Lord, what would you choose? What will your response be? 

Sunday Service, 10/16/2022, began with breakfast served by the hosting church families. After the meal was shared, fellowship continued. Hymns of praise were led by both young and old in preparation for a day of worship. 

Service opened up with Worship Singing, and special numbers shared by ICC (OR) and CCCA (AZ).

Shortly after, the congregation welcomed the keynote speaker Senior Pastor Andrel Cheche Yamamoto. 

Senior Pastor Cheche’s text sharing was found in John chapter 6. The scriptures begin with Jesus and His disciples being followed by the multitude who were drawn to Jesus because of the miracles He performed. After some time, Jesus asked Philip, “Where shall we buy bread that these people may eat?” Philip responded, “Two hundred denarii worth of bread is not sufficient for them, that every one may have a little.” The picture that Senior Pastor Cheche painted was that of a large crowd of about 5,000 people. The day had progressed and they were far from the city. It seemed like an impossible task to feed the crowd. Simon Peter then said to Jesus, “There is a lad here who has five barley loaves and two small fish, but what are they among so many?” Jesus used a simple boy’s lunch who willingly gave it up to bless and feed the multitude. Senior Pastor Cheche reminded us that many times in our lives we may think we don’t have much to offer; that what we have is insignificant or small, but the Lord used 5 loaves and 2 fish to bless thousands. He can use the little we have to do big things. “God is a God of multiplication.”

Sunday’s Sermon closed with the reminder of the rich man who stood face to face with the Lord and turned away to hold on to the wealth of this world. 

What will your response be? 

The event spilled out into the front courtyard as participants united in a prayer circle, including a short time dedicated to blessing MOMUSA’s President Teno & First Lady Isobel Kingsang as they celebrated their 12th marriage anniversary.

Fellowship and songs of worship collectively concluded the event. 

Special thanks to Senior Pastor Andrel Cheche Yamamoto, ICC (OR) Ministry & Youth,  and CCCA (AZ)  for blessing us!

Special thanks to Senior Pastor Charles Hartman & the entire ICF Ministry & Youth for inviting, hosting, and allowing us to witness and join in fellowship and worship.